
重新翻了一下手上的资料,还有The New Rules of Coffee一类的休闲书。大多是些入门读物,用来介绍一些入门科普再好不过了。原计划是整理出一份思维导图,在整理途中发现内容比想象的要多,干脆写几篇读书笔记好了,就从咖啡精制法开始。感谢默咖啡默老板帮助。

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In this semester, our team tried to develop an mobile APP using Flutter. One user story is that when user are not using the APP, he/she should be notified when new friend request or new message coming

Since we are using firebase as our backend service, cloud functions can be used to monitor the database, and send notifications when triggered

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